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刘 洋徐 明
R543. 2
随着一氧化氮(NO) 在心血管系统中基础研究的不断深入,NO 在临床中的应用不断拓展,并且显现出了较好的应用前景,特别是应用NO 吸入治疗各种原因的肺动脉高压,也取得了良好的治疗效果。作者对NO 吸入治疗肺动脉高压及其在临床应用情况作简要综述。


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[12 ]Maxey TS , Smith CD , Kern JA , et al . Beneficial effects of inhaled nitric oxide in adult cardiac surgical patients[J ] . A nn Thorac S urg , 2002 ,73 (2) : 529 - 532.

[ 13 ]Sadiq HF , Mantych G, Benawra RS , et al . Inhaled nitric oxide in the treatment of moderate persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn : a randomized controlled , multicenter trial[J ] . J Peri natol , 2003 ,23 (2) : 98 - 103.

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[ 15 ]Lester GD , DeMarco VG, Norman WM. Effect of inhaled nitric oxide on experimentally induced pulmonary hypertension in neonatal foals[J ] . A m J Vet Res , 1999 ,60 (10) : 1207 - 1212.

[16 ]Michelakis ED , McMurtry MS , Sonnenberg B , et al . The NO - K+ channel axis in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Activation by experimental oral therapies[J ] . A dv Ex p Med Biol , 2003 ,54 (3) : 293 - 322.

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[ 19 ]Michelakis ED. The role of the NO axis and its therapeutic implications in pulmonary arterial hypertension [ J ] . Heart Fail Rev ,2003 ,8 (1) : 5 - 21.

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[22 ]Vizza CD , Rocca GD , Roma AD , et al . Acute hemodynamic effects of inhaled nitric oxide , dobutamine and a combination of the two in patients with mild to moderate secondary pulmonary hypertension[J ] . Crit Care , 2001 ,5 (6) : 355 - 61.

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[25 ] Pearl JM , Nelson DP , Raake JL , et al . Inhaled nitric oxide increases endothelin21 levels : a potential cause of rebound pulmonary hypertension[J ] . Crit Care Med , 2002 ,30 (1) : 89 - 93.

[26 ] Preston IR , Klinger JR , Houtchens J , et al . Pulmonary edema caused by inhaled nitric oxide therapy in two patients with pulmonary hypertension associated with the CREST syndrome [ J ] .Chest , 2002 ,121 (2) : 656 - 659.


更新日期/Last Update: 2004-11-01