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Ventricular structure electrical remodeling and arrhythmia in elderly patients with chronic congestive heart failure
重庆医科大学:1.附属第一医院老年科心血管病组,重庆 400016, 2.附属第二医院内科心血管病组,重庆 400010
LI Gang LIU Yunjun SHI Lei
Group of Cardiology, Department of Geriatrics, First Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China
心力衰竭 心律失常 QT间期 心室
congestive heart failure arrhythmia QT interval ventricule
目的 探讨老年心肌梗死后慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者心室结构心电重构与心律失常的关系。方法 收集老年心肌梗死后CHF患者55例[心功能(NYHA分级):II级23例, III级15例, Ⅳ级17例]及心肌梗死后心功能(NYHA)I级患者30例,采用超声心动图, 标准12导联心电图及24小时动态心电图检测其心室腔大小, QT间期,校正QT间期(QTc)及心律失常。 结果 与心功能I级组比较,CHF组心室腔显著扩大[CHF组: 左室舒张末直径 (LVEDD)(57±8) mm, 左室收缩末直径(LVESD)(45±8)mm; 心功能I级组: LVEDD(45±5)mm, LVESD (31±5)mm,P<0.05]。两组间心室复极指标无显著差异[CHF组: QT(0.41±0.07)s, QTc(0.44±0.06)s; 心功能I级组:QT(0.41±0.04)s, QTc(0.44±0.04)s]。两组间室性心律失常亦无显著差异[CHF组:室性早搏(VPB)(219±598)次/24 h; 心功能I级组:VPB(345±504)次/24 h]。结论 老年心肌梗死后CHF时,心室结构重构显著,心室腔显著扩大,但在本研究中心室结构重构未见引起显著心电重构,心室复极延长及室性心律失常未见显著增加。
AIM To investigate the relation between ventricular structural electrocardiological remodeling and ventricular arrhythmia in elderly patients with chronic congestive heart failure (CHF) secondary to old myocardial infarction. METHODS Fiftyfive elderly patients with CHF secondary to old myocardial infarction (23 in cardiac function class II, 15 in class III, 17 in class IV, NYHA ) and in 30 agematched elderly patients with cardiac function class I (NYHA ) secondary to old myocardial infarction were included in this study. Their ventricular chamber sizes, QT, QTc intervals and the ventricular arrhythmia were assessed respectively with echocardiography, standard 12lead electrocardiography and 24hour Holter recordings. RESULTS The ventricular chamber sizes were significantly larger in the elderly patients with CHF than those in cardiac function class I group [CHF group: left ventricular end diastolic diameter (LVEDD) (57±8) mm; left ventricular end systolic diameter (LVESD) (45±8) mm vs. cardiac function class I group: LVEDD (45±5) mm; LVESD ( 31±5) mm, P<0.05, respectively]. However, there was no difference in ventricular repolarization indices between the two groups [CHF group: QT ( 0.41±0.07) s; QTc ( 0.44±0.06) s vs. cardiac function class I group: QT (0.41±0.04) s, QTc(0.44±0.04) s, respectively]. The ventricular arrhythmogenesis was also not found to be significantly higher in the elderly patients with CHF than those in cardiac function class I group [CHF group: ventricular premature beat (VPB) (219±598)1/24 h vs. cardiac function class I group: VPB(345±504)1/24 h]. CONCLUSION The ventricular structural remodeling enlargement is significant in elderly patients with CHF secondary to old myocardial infarction. However, the ventricular structural remodeling enlargement does not cause significant prolongation of the ventricular repolarization and the increase of the ventricular arrhythmogenesis in CHF.


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收稿日期:2006-03-13.项目资助:重庆市卫生局科研项目[渝卫教2004(53)042154]作者简介:李刚,副主任医师,博士Email: harborli@126.com
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