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Preliminary studies of prevalence and followup of electrocardiographic sign of Brugada syndrome in people under routine medical checkup
杨溶海 孟素荣 彭健 陈哲明 阮发晖 王凡 王蔚 谢昌联 冯旭光
南方医科大学附属南方医院心血管内科,广东 广州 510515
YANG Ronghai MENG Surong PENG Jian CHEN Zheming RUAN Fahui WANG Fan WANG Wei XIE Changlian FENG Xuguang
Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Nanfang Hospital, Guangzhou 510515, Guangdong, China
流行病学Brugada 综合征室性心律失常
epidemiology Brugada syndrome Ventricular arrhythmia
目的 通过调查健康体检者Brugada心电图征的发生率,获得中国人Brugada心电图征的流行病学资料,并通过随访,了解Brugada心电图征人群的短期预后。 方法 收集了2003年6月至2005年1月我们医院查体中心健康体检人群45 152份心电图资料,按照2002 年欧洲心脏学会( ECS)专家共识报告提出的标准[1]筛选出Brugada心电图征。随访分两组:A组确诊为Brugada综合征患者(9人),B组为无症状Brugada心电图阳性人群(73人)。结果 共82人具有Brugada 心电图征,占总数的1.82‰,其中男性73人,女性9人。Ⅰ型心电图征的18人,Ⅱ型38人,Ⅲ型26人, 其中符合Brugada综合征共9人。随访结果:A组(24±12)个月的随访期内室性心动过速发生率为2/9, B组(27±11)个月的随访期内室性心动过速发生率为3%(2/73),两组相比具有显著性差异(P<0.05),两组人群均无人猝死。结论Brugada 心电图征在广东省健康成年人发生率为1.82‰,男女比8∶1。在随访中发现, Brugada综合征患者要比无症状Brugada 心电图征人群预后差, 容易发生致命性的室性心律失常。
AIM To evaluate the prevalence of electrocardiographic sign of Brugada syndrome in people under routine medical checkup and to study the shortterm prognosis of people with Brugadatype Electrocadiogram. METHODS We analyzed 45152 ECGs collected between June, 2003 and January, 2006 from the medical examination center of our hospital. The criteria recommended by European Society of Cardiology were used to identify subjects with electrocardiographic sign of Brugada syndrome. For followup, subjects with Brugadatype electrocardiogram were divided into two groups: 9 diagnosed as Brugada syndrome were in group A and 73 in group B were asymptomatic. RESULTS Brugada ECG pattern was seen in 1.82 (82 of 45152) of healthy Cantonese adults, including 73 males and 9 females. Among them, 18 ECGs (0.40 ) were classified as Brugada ECG pattern typeⅠ, 38 (0.84‰) as typeⅡ and 26 (0.58‰) as type Ⅲ. After a mean followup period of 24 months (standard deviation, 12), new fatal arrhythmic events occurred in 22% (2/9) of the patients in group A and 3% (2/73) of patients in group B. No sudden death occurred in group A and group B. CONCLUSION The incidence of the people with Brugadatype electrocadiogram in healthy Cantonese is 1.82 and the gender ratio of male to female was 8:1. Patients with Brugada syndrome have a poorer prognosis and higher likelihood of arrhythmia recurrence compared with those without Brugada syndrome.


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收稿日期:2006-07-25.基金项目:广东省国际科技合作项目(No.2004B50301009); 十五军队科技攻关项目(No.01MAB0)通讯作者:孟素荣,教授,主要从事心脏起搏与电生理方面研究Email:mengsr@fimmu.edu.cn 作者简介:杨溶海,硕士生Email:yrh7817@fimmu.com
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