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Analysis of predisposing causes and premonitory symptoms of vasovagal syncope
南方医科大学附属南方医院心内科,广东 广州 510515
CHEN Zhi MENG Su-rong ZHOU Guo-zhong FENG Xu-guang CHEN Yi-lin Deng Chun-feng
Department of Cardiology, Nanfang Hospital, Nanfang University, Guangzhou 510515, Guangdong, China
vasovagal syncopehead-up tilt testsyncope inducementprodrome
目的 分析血管迷走神经性晕厥患者常见晕厥诱因及先兆症状特点。方法 分析167 例接受住院治疗的不明原因晕厥患者晕厥诱因及晕厥先兆症状,并与直立倾斜试验(HUTT)结果进行相关性分析。结果 阳性反应120 例(71.8%),其中混合型占60.0%,血管抑制型占25.8%,心脏抑制型占14.2%;67.1%和93.4%不明原因晕厥患者存在晕厥诱因和先兆症状;常见的诱因有持久站立(42.9%),体位改变(21.4%),闷热环境(15.2%)等;总结了10个常见的与晕厥相关的先兆症状,其中头晕(76.6%),苍白(26.9%),乏力(52.6%),恶心或呕吐(44.9%),出汗(46.1%),感觉异常(14.9%),心悸(25.1%),黑曚(22.8%),胸闷(5.9%),听力减退(27.5%);用Logistic回归分析发现头晕(OR:5.972,CI=2.013-17.453,P=0.001),恶心或呕吐(OR:5.774,CI=1.475-22.611,P=0.012),乏力(OR:4.048,CI=1.101-14.889,P=0.039),出汗(OR:3.36,CI=1.061-10.610,P=0.035)能够预测HUTT阳性结果。结论 详细询问晕厥患者的诱因及先兆症状,有助于我们对血管迷走神经性晕厥的诊断。
AIM To study the characteristics of predisposing causes and premonitory symptoms of vasovagal syncope. METHODS Predisposing causes and premonitory symptoms of 167 hospitalized patients with unexplained syncope were analyzed and compared with the results of heat-up tilt testing on the correlation. RESULTS One hundred and twenty (71.8%) patients had a positive result. The most common type of response was mixed type (60.0%), followed by vasodepressor (25.8%) and cardioinhibitory (14.2%) types. Totally, 67.1 % and 93.4 % of the patients with unexplained syncope had predisposing causes and premonitory symptoms. The most common predisposing causes were prolonged standing (42.9%), change of position (21.4%), and hot or warm environments (15.2%). Ten common premonitory symptoms about the vasovagal syncope were dizziness (76.6%), pale (26.9%), hypodynamia (52.6%), nausea or vomiting (44.9%), sweating (46.1%), paraesthesia (14.9%), palpitation (25.1%), amaurosis (22.8%), chest distress (5.9%), and amblyacousia (27.5%). Among patients with a positive response, dizziness (OR: 5.972, CI=2.013-17.453, P=0.001), vomiting (OR: 5.774, CI=1.475-22.611, P=0.012), hypodynamia (OR: 4.048, CI=1.101-14.889, P=0.039), and sweating (OR: 3.36, CI=1.061-10.610, P=0.035) could predict the positive result of HUTT. CONCLUSION Detailed inquiry about predisposing causes and premonitory symptoms is of great help in correct diagnosis of vasovagal syncope.


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收稿日期:2008-9-2.基金项目:广东省科技计划项目资助(73011) 通讯作者:孟素荣,教授,主要从事心脏起搏与电生理研究Email:mengsurong@163.com 作者简介:陈智,硕士生Email:cz7310@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-04-16