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Hemodynamic effects of lung recruitment maneuvers in critically ill patients
(首都医科大学大兴医院重症医学科,北京 102600)
WANG Zhu-heng SUN Li-ping ZHOU Guan-hua GUO Qing-hua
(Department of Critical Care Medicine, Daxing Teaching Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 102600, China)
recruitment manoeuvres hemodynamics critically ill patient transpulmonary pressure acute respiratory distress syndrome
Atelectasis leads to increased intrapulmonary shunt, venous admixture and hypoxaemia. Lung recruitment maneuvers aim to quickly reverse this scenario by applying increased airway pressures for a short period of time, which means to open the collapsed alveoli. Although the procedure can improve oxygenation, elevated intrathoracic pressures can inflict serious effects on the cardiovascular system due to the heart-lung and right and left ventricle interactions. The purpose of this article is to give an overview on the pathophysiological background of the heart-lung interactions and the best way to monitor these changes during lung recruitment.


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通讯作者:郭清华,副主任医师,主要从事重症患者血流动力学研究 Email:qinghuaicu@sina.com
作者简介:王助衡,副主任医师,博士 Email:1147070617@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-06