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不同剂量阿托伐他汀对冠心病患者血脂 及血清高敏C反应蛋白的影响(PDF)




Effect of different doses of atorvastatin on serum lipid and inflammatory factor hsCRP in patients with coronary artery disease
上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院心内科,上海 200092
SANG Zhenchi CHEN Shuyan LI Yuehua WANG Changqian LI Yigang
Department of Cardiology, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai 200092, China
atorvastatin blood lipid highsensitive Creactive protein
目的 观察不同剂量阿托伐他汀在冠心病中国患病人群中降低血脂幅度、降低高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)之间的差别,以及hsCRP与血脂降低幅度之间的关联。方法 连续入选128例冠心病患者,随机分为2组,一组服用阿托伐他汀10 mg/d,另一组服用阿托伐他汀20 mg/d,分别在入院24 h内和服药后1月测定患者血脂、 hs-CRP,比较两组和不同亚组患者不同剂量血脂、hs-CRP的变化。结果 两组冠心病患者治疗1月后血清总胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、载脂蛋白B(ApoB)、hs-CRP显著下降(均P<0.01),hs-CRP变化值与血脂变化值无相关性,阿托伐他汀10 mg/d组和20 mg/d组相比,1月后血脂、hsCRP变化值无统计学差异。结论 冠心病患者无论是使用阿托伐他汀10 mg/d还是20 mg/d治疗1月,都能使血脂水平,包括TC、LDL-C、ApoB和炎症指标hs-CRP显著下降,同时阿托伐他汀的抗炎作用与降脂作用本身无相关性,但两剂量间并没有显著差异。
AIM To investigate the effects of different doses of atorvastatin on serum levels of the blood lipid and highsensitive Creactive protein (hsCRP) in Chinese patients with coronary artery disease and to study the relationship between hsCRP and blood lipid. METHODS One hundred and twentyeight consecutive patients with coronary artery disease were randomly divided into two groups. Patients in group A were given oral atorvastatin 10 mg once daily and patients in group B were given oral atorvastatin 20 mg once daily. The serum levels of blood lipid and hsCRP were measured with biochemistry assay 24 hours after admission and 1 month after therapy. The difference in blood lipid and hsCRP was compared between the two groups and subset groups. RESULTS The serum levels of total cholesterol, lower density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), ApoB and hsCRP in the patients of the two groups after taking atorvastatin for a month were significantly lower than those before therapy (P<0.01). The changes of blood lipid and hsCRP were not significantly different between the two groups. CONCLUSION No significant therapeutic difference has been found in atorvastatin at doses of 10 mg/d or 20 mg/d. After onemonth therapy with atorvastatin of 10 mg/d or 20 mg/d, the serum levers of blood lipid, including total cholesterol, LDLC, ApoB and hsCRP are significantly decreased compared with those before therapy in patients of coronary artery disease. The antiinflammatory effect of atorvastatin is not related to lipid lowering.


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收稿日期:2007-08-13.通讯作者:陈书艳,主任医师,主要从事调脂治疗在冠心病中的作用的研究Email:shuyan chen cn@yahoo.com.cn 作者简介:桑震池,硕士生Email:sangzc@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-03-24