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Research progress in application of new antithrombtic drug Ticagrelor in treatment of acute coronary syndrome
张 亮1袁 铭1曹 丰2
(1.第四军医大学西京医院心血管内科,陕西 西安 710032;
2.中国人民解放军总医院心内科,北京 100853)
ZHANG Liang1 YUAN Ming1 CAO Feng2
(1.Department of Cardiology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, Shaanxi, China;
2.Department of Cardiology, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China)
ticagrelor acute coronary syndrome research progress
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a severe disease which threatens human health. Dual antiplatelet is the cornerstone of the treatment of ACS. Clopidogrel, as a classical antiplatelet drug, has showed several flaws. However,Ticagrelor, a new antithrombtic drug, overcomes those deficiencies thanks to its special pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics characteristics. Many large clinical studies have confirmed the advantages of Ticagrelor in treatment of ACS patients with acute coronary syndrome as it greatly reduces the major cardiac events in ACS patients. New studies have provided a large number of evidence-based medical evidence and this paper is to review the pharmacological characteristics, current clinical studies and corresponding guidelines of Ticagrelor.


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基金项目:陕西省科技攻关计划课题资助(S2016 YFSF0666)
通讯作者:袁铭,副教授,主要从事冠心病的基础及复杂冠脉介入治疗 Email:yuanming@fmmu.edu.cn 共同
通讯作者:曹丰,教授,主要从事冠心病的诊断和治疗及心血管分子影像学研究 Email:fengcao8828@163.com
作者简介:张亮,硕士生 Email:zhangliang199096@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-04-20