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Risk factors of coronary artery length lesions
1. 武警新疆总队医院急诊科, 新疆乌鲁木齐830091 ; 2. 第四军医大学唐都医院心内科, 陕西西安710038
LIU Song-yan1MA Yan-ping1YANG Xin-guo2HOU Yun-tian2
1. Emergency Department , Xinjiang Municipal Corps Hospital , Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces ,Xinjiang Ulumuqi 830091 , China
coronary disease coronary arteriography length lesion risk factors
R 541. 4
目的:探讨冠状动脉长病变的相关因素。方法:将冠状动脉造影(CAG) 确诊的156 例冠心病(CHD) 患者,按病变长度分为A 型病变组(A 组) 54 例;B 型病变组(B 组) 50 例;C 型病变组(C 组) 52 例。设计统一的调查表,对患者的社会经济文化背景,临床表现, CHD 常见危险因素以及CAG进行调查和测量,比较组间差异,并对病变长度与相关因素进行相关和回归分析。结果:心肌梗死和不稳定型心绞痛发生率,组间比较差异显著( P < 0. 05、P < 0. 01) ,C 组发生率最高,且多支病变为主( P < 0. 01) ;稳定型心绞痛,组间比较差异非常显著( P < 0. 01) ,A 组发生率最高,主要为单支病变( P < 0. 01) 。病变长度,组间差异非常显著( P < 0. 01) ;B ,C 组年龄显著大于A 组( P < 0.05) ,病程显著长于A 组( P < 0. 01) ,血糖( FBG) 、中性粒细胞计数( PMN) 、C 反应蛋白(CRP) 均高于A 组( P < 0.01) ;另外C 组吸烟指数(CSI) 高于A、B 组,而射血分数( EF) 低于A、B 组( P < 0. 01) 。长病变分别与年龄、病程、CSI、EF、FPG、PNN、CRP 具有相关性,统计学上有非常显著的意义( P < 0. 01) ,长病变与年龄及病程在不同组中有 相依变动的规律( P < 0. 01) 。结论:稳定型心绞痛冠脉多是单支的A 型病变改变,不稳定型心绞痛或心肌梗死冠脉主要为多支的B 或C 型病变改变。冠脉病变长度从另一方面反映冠脉病变的严重程度,受年龄、病程、吸烟指数、血糖和炎症的影响,对心肌缺血和(或) 心绞痛的发生发展,以及病变的临床稳定型与否具有一定意义。
AIM:To investigate the correlation of coronary artery length lesions by coronary arteriography (CAG) with risk factors of coronary heart disease (CHD) . METHODS: 156 patient s with CHD diagnosed by CAG were investigated. According to the length of the coronary artery lesions , they were divided into 3 groups : A type group ( n = 54) , B type group ( n = 50) , C type group ( n = 52) . Their serum lipids were all measured and their CAG was all performed. Design the graph to study the relation between the CHD and the major risk factors such as the background of social economic culture , clinical situation , common CHD risk factors and CAG etc. Compare them with linear correlation and regression analysis. RESULTS : The differences were observed among groups of morbidity ( P < 0. 05) , The myocardial infarction in C type group was 42. 3 % , The unstable angina was 42. 2 %. And the stable angina in A type group was 64. 8 %. The age and duration of all patient s in B and C type group were obvious longer than in A type group ( P < 0. 01) . Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) or C-reactive protein (CRP) or polymorphonuclear neut rophils (PMN) in B and C type group were higher than in A type group ( P < 0. 05) , Cigarette smoking index (CSI) in C type group was higher than in A and B type group ( P < 0. 05) . Ejection f raction ( EF) in C type group was lower than the other two group ( P < 0.05) . It showed the linear correlation between the length lesion and the risk factors such as the age , the duration , CSI , FPG, PMN , EF , CRP etc ( P < 0. 01) . It also showed the linear regression betweenthe length lesion and the factors of the age and the duration ( P < 0. 01) . CONCLUSION:Stable angina happened mostly in those with singlevessel of type A lesion , while the myocardial infarction or unstable angina happened mostly in those with mutivessel of type C lesion. the length of coronary artery lesion was influenced by the factors of the age , duration , CSI , FPG, PMN , EF , and CRP in some extent . It might be meaningful for clinical doctors to study the course of myocardial ischemia and (or) angina pectoris , and we could alse get ideas about the clinical stability of the coronary artery lesion .


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更新日期/Last Update: 2004-11-01