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Underlying mechanisms and preventive strategies of advanced glycation end products in cardiovascular injury
张仁宇1任 超1秦兴华1李婷婷1杨红艳1贾 敏2张 星1
(第四军医大学:1.航空航天医学系,2.生理学教研室,陕西 西安 710032)
ZHANG Ren-yu1 REN Chao1 QIN Xing-hua1 LI Ting-ting1 YANG Hong-yan1 JIA Min2 ZHANG Xing1
(1.Department of Aerospace Medicine, 2.Department of Physiology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, Shaanxi, China)
advanced glycation end products cardiovascular injury carboxymethyl-lysine
晚期糖基化终末产物(advanced glycosylation end products, AGEs)是糖酮或醛基与蛋白、脂质、氨基酸的自由氨基经不可逆反应所形成的物质,是非酶糖基化反应的最终产物。研究发现在动脉硬化、心肌舒张异常及内皮功能紊乱等心血管疾病中都出现AGEs水平的增加,并且抑制AGEs的产生或作用具有心血管保护作用。因此,AGEs可以作为防治心血管疾病的一个潜在靶点。本文重点综述了AGEs的来源、心血管损伤机制及防治策略。
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are a complex group of compounds that are formed when reducing sugar or aldehyde reacts irreversibly in a non-enzymatic manner with free amino in proteins, lipoids or amino acids. Increased level of AGEs has been found in cardiovascular diseases such as arterial stiffening, myocardial relaxation abnormalities and endothelial dysfunction. Furthermore, accumulation of AGEs contributes to changes in the structure and function of cardiovascular system. Thus, it is possible to prevent or cure cardiovascular diseases by inhibition of AGEs. This review mainly summarizes the sources of AGEs, the underlying mechanisms in induction of cardiovascular injury and the preventive strategies.


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通讯作者:张星,讲师,主要从事心血管保护研究 Email:Lbmed@163.com
作者简介:张仁宇,本科生 Email:firstzry@126.com 共同第一作者:任超,本科生 Email:18109275445@163.com 共同第一作者:贾敏,助教,硕士 Email:108016154@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-10-11