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Endothelin-1 and angiotensin-II variation in the coronary circulation during angioplasty with stents implantation
曹 丰 贾国良 郭文怡 李成祥 李伟杰 吕安林 王小燕
第四军医大学西京医院心脏内科, 陕西西安710032
CAO Feng JIA Guo-liang GUO Wen-yi LI Cheng-xiang LI Wei-jieLU An-linWANG Xiao-yan
Department of Cardiology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an Shaanxi 710032, China
冠状动脉疾病 血管成形术 经腔 经皮冠状动脉 支架 内皮素 血管紧张素II
coronary disease angioplasty transluminal percutaneous coronary stent endothelins angiotensin II
R541. 4
目的 探讨经皮腔内冠脉成形术(PTCA) 及支架术中血浆内皮素(ET-1) 及血管紧张素II (ATII ) 的变化。方法 44 例冠心病患者随机分成冠脉造影组(10 例) 和PTCA 加支架组(34 例) , 共植入支架48 个, 分别于术前、术中 及术后24 h 内不同时间点采集冠状静脉窦血及股动脉血, 采用放免法测定ET-1 及ATII 的浓度。结果 冠脉造影 前后ET-1 及ATII 无显著变化(P>0. 05) ; PTCA 及支架组在球囊预扩张即刻ET-1 轻度增高(P<0. 05) ,ATII 显 著增高(P<0. 01) ; 支架后即刻ET-1 及ATII 明显降低(P<0. 05) ; 支架后10 min ET-1 及ATII 又有回升。术后 12 h 出现外周血ET-1 及ATII 的升高。结论 冠脉造影对冠脉循环血管活性物质无显著影响; PTCA 加支架术中 存在血管活性物质的波动, 支架植入后即刻, 冠脉循环血中ET-1 及Ang-II 的降低与支架植入后局部血流改善有 关, ET-1 及Ang-II 的延迟释放可能是支架植入术后并发症发生的原因之一。
AIM Endothelin-1 ( ET-1 ) and angiotensin II (AT II ) are endothelium-derived mediators with asoconstrictive and mitogenic activity which stimulates vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. The aim of this study was to evaluate ET-1 and AT II production during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ( PTCA ) and elective stent implantation.METHODS Ten patients underwent angiography and 34 patients with coronary heart disease underwent PTCA and stenting ( 48 stents were inplanted in 28 stenosis with left anterior descending coronary artery and 9 with circumflex artery lesion and 11 with right coronary artery). Blood samples were obtained from the coronary sinus immediately before and after angiography or in-stent implantation, 1 min after the last pre-stent balloon dilation and 10 min after, blood samples were obtained from stenting. Meanwhile femoral artery immediately befo reand 10min, 6, 12, 24 h after stenting. RESULTS At baseline, ET-1 and ATII levels were higher in the coronary sinus than in femoral artery (ET 21: 57. 2±5. 3 pg/ml vs 51. 2±5. 4 pg/ml, ATII: 52. 97 ±4. 97 pg/ml vs 49. 98 ±5. 84 pg/ml, P<0. 05). Following last pre-inflation, ET-1 coronary sinus levels slightly increased with respect to the basal levels while ATII significantly increased (72. 87±4. 99 pg/ml vs 52. 97±4. 47 pg/ml, P<0. 01). Significant decrease of ET-1 and ATII levels were detected after and ATII levels were detected after stent deployment. There was a second increase of ET-1 and ATII in femoral artery 12 h after procedures. CONCLUSION The lesion by PTCA and stent implantation seems to produce most of ET-1 and ATII circulating in the coronary tree. Despite our expectations, we did not detect any significant ET-1 and ATII increase in coronary circulation immediately after stent deployment, but there was a delayed increase in femoral artery 12 h after this procedures.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2001-07-01